i dunno if any of you heard about these 20 rules bush is trying to push through before he is out of office, but they all have to make me believe that he has absolutely no concern for a single american worker, or consumer.
i guess when you are on the verge of going down as the worst president in american history, as well as one of the most disliked, you might as well tailor your last few weeks (years.. what?) to special interests and big business.
i mean honestly... here, read this if you havent heard about this, it is from the times, so it is slanted...
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/30/washington/30labor.html?ref=todayspaper but honestly, can anyone see any advantage (aside from money) in making it HARDER to remove hazardous material from a workplace? i see the conservative point (other than money) that the government testing will be more transparent and that it may take power away from OSHA being the end all in this arena, which i think could be a good thing, im all for competition in a transparent government, but honestly? isnt it better to take potentially hazardous things out of the work place first, then have to go through strenuous testing to get back in, instead of the reverse? i dont really care if that means i have to pay more for stuff, i would rather not see workers in harms way just to save some bucks.
here are some links to his other most notable terrible rules, these regard the environment, because that matters most to me..
http://greeninc.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/11/18/in-waning-hours-bush-administration-fortifies-oil-shale-industry/?scp=4&sq=20%20highly%20contentious%20rules%20the%20Bush%20administration&st=cse http://www.nytimes.com/2003/08/22/national/22AIR.html?ex=1228194000&en=fbb92be2221115bd&ei=5070 i just cant understand this guy, i really cant. i mean, everyone talks about his failures with the war, and 911, and the economy, and stem cell research, and gay marriage, and blah blah blah. but i dont really think he did much regarding those things in general. states still have instituted gay marriage and stem cell research, the economy was really a long time coming, with the democrats as much to blame (if not more so) as the republicans, 911 he handled brilliantly i thought then and still do, and iraq happened with the overwhelming consent of the country... blame the man, or blame all of us? i think we scapegoat on our leaders far to often.
but this administration has done some stuff that really pisses me off that no one seems to talk about ever... the deficit is huge, the government has become increasingly secretive, how about the IRS deregulations allowing tax lawyers to make parts of the tax code instead of the government... whaaat? how about refusing to allow us to move beyond our dependency on oil? how about deregulating environmental restrictions for placement of both refineries and harvesting areas? how about the refusal to mandate alternative energy research and implementation? how about having one of the worst cabinets in history, which included the ending of two prestigious careers one of which i believed was a good man, former secretary of state colin powell.
i mean, this government hasnt done anything right since 911, and the first thing they did wrong after that was draw up the patroit act while the country was trying to mourn. i mean, this guy took a page right out of mein kampf for some of the stuff he pulled, and we let him get away with it, in fact, we voted him back in with a bigger margin of victory than the first time...
shame on us, and shame on bush for trying to purposely delay progress after his term is over for a couple bucks and a grudge.