I was reading a review of The Golden Ass by Lucius Apuleius, and the author said "The tale of this incredible [...]ass spreads far and wide and the climax of this section is the procurement of Lucius by some women who have a very curious fetish (shared by the late Empress Catherine of Russia). "
Wah? I've never heard that Empress Catherine had a donkey fetish. Either I'm not going to the right websites, or the kind of websites that would have that information are not ones I want to ever see (or both?).
Also, every e-book version of the story seems to be written in Middle English. Has no one translated it since the 15th century? Come on English majors, what else do you have to do, while standing in line at the unemployment line? ;)
Anywho, I've read the 2nd Twilight book, and I could not stop laughing. I pulled muscles. I almost peed(sorry if thats TMI). It was THAT funny. It wasn't intended to be humour, but Oh Gods, hysterical. I'm contemplating doing a whole series of letters at
dear_character to follow up my
Oh Stephanie Meyer No letter to Edward for book 1. We shall see if the muse strikes.
In random news stuffs-Did you know Kyle Reese makes a very brief cameo in Terminator2? it's cut from theatrical and some video releases, so this was a revelation for me.
Also in random news-cookie dough is like anti-freeze, in that it doesn't. Freeze I mean.
I've got not exactly frozen peanutbutter cookie dough just waiting. But the roomie has gone to the peach festval (to get me a pie, damn it, or else) and I can't use the dough. I can hear it calling......little high pitched, muffled cookie cries.
Oh, and lastly-I am now reobsessed with Buffy and have begun rewatching season one. Let me just say-At the end of the Harvest, there's one guy(the first vamp to see Buffy when she sneaks into the Bronze to stop Luke), and I've got to say-Dude, how much does it suck (no pun intended) to be the guy relegated to working the lights at the apocolypse? My symphathies, redshirt.