So people...What movie were we going to see on June 13th, I can't remember which in no way implies it isn't memorable or interesting, Oh it was that corny M Night Shabado thing wasn't it! Ha! that will be funny.
And what was I supposed to post for Giggly Goth?
Damn memory, it's the first to go!
Okay-overall movie:not bad. Not as great as all the flist skuttlebutt seemed to imply but alright. My lit teacher would be 6.5/10 offended.
There were a few 'saw it comings'. Okay, quite a few. But it's a comic book movie with a notorious drunk as the lead actor character. I wasn't expecting MasterPiece Theater.
TOMIN! from Stargate. I don't know the actors name. But he's from Stargate! He only has 3 lines and 45 seconds of air time, but that didn't keep me from yelling out Tomin! in the theater repeatedly.
There is a war/morality subtext that was pretty interesting too. How far is too far? Does it matter who has the big guns, is the real question of danger that anyone has WMDs? I saw a bit of anti-Americanism in there, but I could be projecting my own America=war machine prejudices onto it.)
A LOT of phallic symbols, planes and missiles and weapons of various kinds. Admittedly I'm pretty Freudian and see penis(es/i) where there are none, but this was a little phallic for even my taste(excuse the expression)
The opening action sequence followed by 36 hours earlier of exposition....why not tell things in order? Why does everything have to start with an explosion? I like explosions, really I do. The number of fires I start.... well, thats beside the point. I miss movies starting out slow. That required talent. BOOM! Things are happening now! See movie goers THINGS OF IMPORTANCE ARE HAPPENING!
My biggest problem with the otherwise okay movie:SEXISM!!!!!
Was a single woman in that ENTIRE movie good for anything? I think if every female character had been taken out back and shot by terrorists the movie would have been better, if slightly full of gay subtext.
Female Characters, in as close to chronological order as I can remember
Female Soldier in van at the beginning:
first to die, only soldier not to get a few shots off before biting it.
Feminist Reporter:
seduced in under a minute, despite hating him and his policies. Shows up to gloat bitchily, but is really just a plot point to motivate Tony into saving the world, from himself and his big penis imagery missiles.
Pepper Potts: catty to fellow female, who she sees as sexual rival, totters about in 4 inch heels, inept, needs (many) men to save her (Tony, that guy from Shield, ect.) That sexual tension (that she instigated) seemed so false to me. She's such a cocktease.
I'm so business like.....Tony, do you like me in this naughty dress
But we mustn't, what will people think!........Hold me closer Tony. I'm going to kiss you on the balconey.....But wait! Get me a drink instead! Extra Olives! LOTS of olives!
Is this what Pepper Potts does to keep her job? Or is it just for kicks?
Other woman at party:
"remember me Tony" "No."(keeps walking) Mmmm, thats good respect for woman right there.
Mom in village, with kids:
She can't protect her kids, the father about to get shot does a better job, she doesn't cover her kids eyes while they watch Daddy Dearest get his ass kicked, she only covers their eyes after Iron Man shows up and saves everyone.
Mom in minivan, with kids:
Does nothing(except honk at and possibly piss off bad guy) until Iron Man saves her, THEN runs HIM over. Worse than useless, actually a setback to our hero.
And these are the women of IRONMAN!
Speaking of hating women...It has been brought to my attention the SPN (or Supernatural for those of us who still like full words) has gotten really bad for that this season.
onelittlesleep said on a post
HERE "Because the show didn't START out AS sexist-crappy as it is now! Some girl even did a COUNT of derogatory-to-female language usage on the show and in the first and second season, there were like, 3-4 uses for each season. But in the third, there was like, 18 just for the 16 episodes. THAT'S INSANE!"
It's true, now that I think about it. I'm shocked I didn't notice, because I'm pretty uptight about that shit. Everyone Dean doesn't like is now a "Bitch" or a "Whore". WTF! Even Sam(or 'no longer Dean' as I call him) has gotten kinda asshole-ish.
Spiceing it up to attract male viewers, networks? As we all know, female viewers aren't as good. Have to get that all important 19-34 male demographic right?
In knee-jerk reaction to all this... I present
I'll be posting, will you?