New things

Apr 15, 2008 10:13

Had an exam, which I finished in 10 minutes! All time personal best for taking an exam, time wise.

Marks wise....we shall see.

I should probably becramming for psych and poli sci (my 2 most important exams), but instead I will join a claiming community: mine_kthnx and then I will claim

Pairing - Stagate SG-1 - Jack/Sam
Object - the stargate
Town - Rivedell, Middle Earth
Quote - It is a heart, this holocaust I walk in, oh Golden child the world will kill and wat you. - sylvia plath
Song - Touched by Vast
Episode - Restless, Buffy
Play - The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Book - Chocolate Hollw Bunnies of the Apocolypse, by Robert Rankin
Movie - Fifth Element
TV Show - Stargate SG-1
Character - Jack O'Neill
Band - Garbage
Actress - Angelina Jolie
Actor - Richard Dean Anderson
Ass-Cap Mal Reynolds
Body - Jack O'Neill
(I almost have the complete set!)
lj user - queentatanya

I'm so about the claiming of random things and Jack O'Neills hot bod.

In other random community news, that I'm sure you really, REALLY want to know ALL about,
On egypt_stamping I was headed for an Isis stamp (Yeah, best possible outcome!) but now it looks like Sekhment, basically destroyer of worlds. I mean, she's cool and all, but I was kinda gunning for Isis. I'm not that dark, damn it. Really.

Now I must rain death down upon them, and force them to suffer unimaginably
resubmit my stamp post.

Not dark damn it!

Possible good job news courtesy of kateristic. Yeah! possibly not homeless! I love not being homeless.

EDIT: fanfic at sg1_five_things was unveiled - and my entry was "clever". Someone thinks I'm clever!!! EEEIIIIIEEEEE!!!! I feel so validated.

school, my peeps, my crap job, rambling, stargate

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