Fuckity Fuck Fuck.

Apr 08, 2008 13:14

Um, crap. I thought my health essay was done, just needed a final spell check, but apparently I have not started typing it. Oppsie doodle. It's due tommorow.

So, I'm taking time to post on my livejournal.

Also like to say to all the people who couldn't make it to the zombie class attendance - you lick the salty balls of a disease ridden long shoremen.

Dead baby count:1, but it was a baby seal, and therefore only a little funny.

The career councillor told me to enlist in the armed forces-but I only wanted information about becoming psychologist. Not really sure what happened there.

Stargate dealie showed up - enh. The Stargate itself was awesome, but the blue plastic effect - crap. And wheres my stand? you bastards, I dont want to hang it up, or just leave it on a flat surface. $70 well spent.

Fuck, how did it get to the last week so fast? Fuckity fuck fuck.

WARNING - BEARS! tommorow. be afraid.

Should probably get back to studying........

So anyway, yesterday I went out to the mall, bought books, very nearly bought the Angel complete set. Mustn't spend - will be unemployed, then homeless soon.

Also went grocery shopping - will need boxes to live in. Plan to build fort of old shopping bags. All will be well in the world.

P.S. got a letter - made Deans Honour Roll last semester, hopeful can still pull off Honour Roll this semester, a step down, but it beats no recognition at all right? Right?!

Wasn't I supposed to be doing something. damn shiny distractions!

What I learned about today-
Kleenex = Evil

bears, school, dead baby, my crap job, rambling, stargate

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