Watching Hot Fuzz right now. I love this movie. These 2 guys are hystical.
Also -
Apparently I'm related to one of my old boyfriends READ article before judging me, it's not what you think.
Also, ew, how could you think that. perv.
Fucking eye colour, man, fucking eye colour.
In other, less emotionally scarring news, I got an email from one of my teachers for highest mark in the class. Yah me! I rock.
I also got a full page of emails for homework, and essays and things I need to print. Plllt! (raspberry sound). Print it out your bloody selves, with what I pay in tuition, I shouldn't have to blow 15 cent per page, for what will work out to hundreds of pages this semester.
This really is a hilarious movie.
Dead baby count:3