Feb 21, 2005 11:37
Can I just say that some people need to grow up. I know this is stupid, but frankly, it is annoying. I hate when people whine and cry about how gross public bathroom smells and complain about how people have to make bathrooms smell, etc. LORD. Hi, if people can't shit and fart in a bathroom, then where IS it appropriate?!?!?!??!?! Of course it isn't pleasant to be in a smelly bathroom, but come on. Yes, people have gas... SO WHAT?!? These "shitty complainers" are always the ones to be annoyed when people can't hold in a fart in public or really in any place that they are in.. Well, unfortunetly for all gas supplying mammals, now the bathroom is even an inappropriate place. Everybody is so weird about bodily functions sometimes and I just wish they would grow up.