(no subject)

Apr 17, 2008 00:27

wow. just wow.

if I had to be honest, it didn't hit me I was on my way to see one of the bands who've saved my life until we were at the concert. but The Used was awesome.

first off, Lights Resolve, I've gotta put it to you, you got me pumped up for the rest of the show. and even though I'm fairly sure you're bassist was hitting on me and my friend afterward,thankyouthankyouthankyou for letting me buy your cd for a dollar less because I only had six dollars, and then buying me the download card so I can download the other album. You, Sherman, were awesome. Matt was too, even though the pictures we got with him were really bad. He signed my cd, at least.

Street Drum Corps. I was so excited when you came on, but as soon as you said "does everyone know how to dance?" I had enough time to go OHSHIT before the moshpit started. but it was really FUN when you guys were up there playing. and you were so interactive with the crowd, i loved it. Even though I did get hot and sweaty and disgusting. :(

Army of Meeeee. Thank you for signing my shoeeee. They were my shitty shoes that have a hole in the bottom of the right one, but I had nothing else. and now I won't have to throw them out. tbh, I didn't really listen while you guys were playing because I got shoved in the gut with the moshpit and when me and Rain tried getting out we just got stuck. So I was focused on not throwing up. :(

FUCKING STRAYLIGHT RUN I LOVE YOU. You played the two songs I was hoping you'd play and even though I was getting water and watching you guys from the side for your entire set, you better bet I was singing along and dancing. You guys were so, so good.

AND THE USED. OMFG QUINN. because me and Rain were on the side, I was expecting us to not get noticed, but THE LITTLE WAVES YOU GAVE US YAY. that, and Bert both thrusting at us and doing that whole "iseeyouuuu." thing made my night, I think. also, Bert bby, you are adorable with those little kids. honestly, it made me smile a whole lot. [BUT WHY DID YOU NOT PLAY I CAUGHT FIRE? :|]

I'll have pictures soon. ^__^
[fuck putting this under a cut, >_>]
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