(no subject)

Jun 24, 2007 01:59

So I never update this thing.I'm horrible, I know. And the day I do decide to update on, my spacebar decides to be an ass. Ah well.

So about a week or so ago me and my friend went to Tinks last minute to see Senses Fail and From Autumn to Ashes in concert. FATA was okay, everyone was really happy and singing along and pushing, and a small moshpit started. Me and Vee were in the back for them, but once everyone in the front started moving back to get water and food, me and her made our way to the front. Because we're so short, we got pushed against the wall, but the concert was still amazing. Buddy was jumping around and singing and it was just wonderful. The band members looked amazing too. Me and Vee were lucky enough to have two pretty tall guys standing in front of us, so they stopped anybody flying out of the moshpit from hitting us. Of course they moved over considerably when Buddy crowd surfed.

Which was great as hell. I looked down for a minute because Vee lost her phone somewhere by my feet, and I looked up to see him climbing this pole, then I looked down again, and all of a sudden everyones rushing to the sides to catch someone, and here comes Buddy hopping and singing and crowd surfing all happily. The security didnt seem to know what to do, since he was on our side and not theirs. They kept putting their hands out to take him out, only for him to get away from them and thrown around. How he kept singing through it is beyond me.

And since Tinks is so tight spaced, it was really close and all, so of course we were sweaty and disqusting. As we were basking in the "we-just-got-out-of-a-concert-and-you-didnt-nyah" mood, Linda picked us up to take us home. Not five minutes into the carride home and she said "One of you smells really bad." So, being self conscious already, I sniffed myself. I smelled like laundry detergeant somehow, so I was pretty safe. Vee went to sniff herself and went "OH GROSS." then she sniffed again and went "I SMELL LIKE ASS!" It was hilarious. I thought Linda was going to drive off the road.

I wish I was able to stay and see them walk out and get my hat signed like I'd wanted, but Linda had Vee's sister watching her twins [five months old. They're adorable.] and needed to get home.
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