Hy there everyone !
It’s been a while since I posted a journal entry that was not a fanfic, first of all;
In a few weeks I’ll be on hiatus.
I’m leaving Romania on July 30th and I know there’s still like 4 weeks to go, but I just want to say it ahead.
I’ll be returning on the 19th, so till then no major updates. I’ll spend the first two weeks at a friend of mine and we’ll have a blog, but that will be in dutch. I will be ranting on LJ about what we’ve done though, but I don’t think I’ll be uploading all pictures there. So if you’re interested in what we do you can follow that blog, I’ll post the link before I leave !
Anyhow, last week I suddenly got the genius idea of getting my hair cut. My hair was kind of a bob, but it had one layer towards the end. If that makes sense. There’s before and after pictures below anyways, ‘cause I didn’t forget for once. Mainly because I typed this entry this morning when I had yet to cut my hair /lame.
But I wanted layers, my hair was kind of thick and I wanted it more fluffy and stuff...or just a change. But NOT shorter ! I’m growing it out. For length reference, this is how I got my hair cut in december (not clickable /lazy):
I want long hair so I’m happy with the progress so far !
This was my hair this morning (yes I know it looks super dry):
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Aaand this is how I got it cut ! :
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Like it ? =) I do, my head feels a ton lighter x”D
Rant, rant,rant. Don't read it if you have a life aka have better things to do lol xD
Also; I had a huge surprise Tuesday. I was helping my mum sort some papers and then my dad called that he was coming home. He always calls when he comes home unexpectedly, because it happened more than once that we ended up running after our dog on the streets, Including dad in his suit
I asked my mum why he was coming and she said (this is a dutch saying, it might not make sense in english xD) “That's a question to you and a knowledge to me.”. I was like...okay, whatever.
The my dad came, gave me a big box and said “Here, a present for you since you'll be missing me when your gone*.”
So I opened it aand guess what ? I got a laptop !
*Last week my dad started about the fact that I'll be gone for 3 weeks and he asked if I was going to miss him, since I shamelessly take every opportunity to tease him I said “I don't think so...”. That was obviously not what he wanted to hear, so he kept repeating himself and at some point he changed to “You're going to miss me. Of course...” to which I replied with “...Not” xD Now that he got me a laptop I obviously can't say that anymore xD So he's happy now xD
Some of you probably know that I've had trouble with my pc for a while, I guess it was just getting old. It was slow, it kept blocking and it turned itself off often. My parents kept saying they'd do something about it, but nothing happened and I just decided to be happy that pc still worked.
Turns out everyone except me knew, which was kinda awkward since I always suspect something xD
I'm really happy of course, especially because it'll be easier for me to go on the internet while I'm at my friends house in July/August. I won't need to use her laptop or anything. And I'll have something to do at the airport/during my flight. Good good good.
Not to mention I can sit in my room with the door locked when my brother is annoying and still be on the interwebz xD
When I return from the Netherlands on the 19th of August one of my aunts is coming back with me and she'll be staying with us for a week, which is gonna be fun ! And my grandparents are probably coming over in September. After which we (mum, dad and bro too this time) will be going to the Netherlands again in November to celebrate the 40 years of marriage for my other grandparents. Now that I re-read this I sound busy lmao xD
What's more scary, guys, is that I'm starting my last year of high school in september !!
Next year around this time I'll either be sulking because I didn't pass or getting ready for college. Let's hope for the last xD I'm gonna study my ass of and I think I must be able to make it !
Okay, so this is a long ass entry already O.o I've got 4 weeks to fix all my stuff before leaving. A big trouble of mine at the moment is money. I would have been fine if I didn't have to buy a mouse for my laptop AND if the rechargeable batteries of my digital camera wouldn't have died. I don't know what's wrong with them, I reload them and then when I use them the camera keeps saying the batteries are almost empty. Does anyone know how long those batteries usually last ? I've had mine for less than a year...
Oh well, I finished writing Hello Baby ! Chapter 9 will be up saturday I guess and then chapter 10 next week ! Such a weird feeling xD I really enjoyed everyone's comments.
Anyhow, I'm off to brush my teeth and I need to pee and see if my dog has ruined the house already (I'm home alone).
Peace out lovelies ♥