May 24, 2004 23:42
I had a nice little fun day today. No work because I had to go to Winchester with my LEA form. Which, naturally, involves a stop off at Southampton, even though you have to go PAST Winchester to get there *g* And Dom should not be mad that I didn't see him, because I reeeeally didn't have time. My mum and sister tagged along in the end too, so they went off shopping for dresses for my sister. Something about a leaving ball at school. I never got no ball >.< She spent £70 on a dress O.O and she hasn't even bought the shoes yet...Picked up an Autumn Skye and both parts of Homecoming, so Nate and Nessa should be pretty pleased with me, and got Princess Mononoke on dvd - yay! *g* Neither of the HMVs had the Azure Ray CD, though. They would bring in the swipeable discount cards the week *after* I go to Portsmouth...*:(Portsmouth HMV) for not taking it in the first place - no one else gave two hoots about my staff number :P*
Winchester was quicker, mainly because my sister had bought her dress by then *g* Bought the dvds my dad wanted, since he likes to buy them by the dozen now that he knows he can get them cheap on my staff discount *rolls eyes* No wonder we're poor - all our money's in his frickin' dvd collection :P Went up to the LEA Laughed at this random statue of a hog outside the county council building on the way up there (still no idea why it was there, or what it was meant to be - besides a hog - but I found it pretty funny). When we got in there my mum decided she would sort out the forms and stuff, so I got to wait on the nice squidgy chairs instead. Yay! :D
And I'm good now. Course is done. Loans are done. Accomodation is done. If my course tutor would be a dear and reply to the e-mail I sent her, I'd be set. ^_^