Apr 06, 2005 06:39
update: i showered.
haha i have discovered that rabbits do not like hair dryers. at all.
i have also discovered that the plug is too far away from my mirror, so i can't quite see me while i dry my hair...which resulted in me hitting myself in the face with my hair dryer numerous times....haha who am i kidding, i always hit myself with it. it has nothign to do with the stupid cair dryer cord nto being long enough.
you know when you have one of those days when you're getting ready to leave your house, and you're like, "crap! today is going to suck," and you know, through some instinctive...thing...that it is going to suck because your underwear clashes with your socks?
today is one of those days....*sigh* orange and pink=not good. it makes me sad.
maybe i shouldn't wear halloween socks.