So yesterday I decided to rewatch A/L. It had been over a year and it was fun to revisit it, especially since I know soragumi a lot better now than I did back then. It's one of those silly, campy shows that I love. And I'm always a sucker for a good secret identity tale.
I came to the conclusion that A/L and Bara ni Furu Ame are basically the same story, only with vastly different directing styles XD After all:
- Tani and Ume knew each other when they were younger but were separated. They encounter each other again as adults (or in the case of BaraAme, when they're older)
- Tani is poor while Ume is from a wealthy family.
- Tomochin is the evil fiance who is actually after Ume's family's wealth.
- Ume has a bad relationship with her parents, who want her to get married to Tomochin for the wrong reasons. Tani eventually has to rescue Ume from being forced into marrying Tomochin.
I hate the ending of A/L so much that yesterday I actually turned off the DVD before I got to it. Not every ending in Takarazuka has to be happy, but the tone of A/L didn't match its ending. Really, Tani was just being stupid :P Although I suppose since the show is supposed to be about the Phantom Thief Lupin's youth they couldn't have Tani settling down with Ume just quite yet...then again, I think Tani says something about how she's giving up being Lupin.
But at least Bara ni Furu Ame fixes the ending XD After watching Never Say Goodbye the other day with a friend, we concluded that BaraAme is actually the happiest of soragumi's top star sayonara shows...after all, Tani and Ume end up alive, together, AND happy o.O
In other news, the lack of a Casablanca cast list may cause me to pull my hair out, especially with people speculating in
ekusudei 's entry that someone Micchan or Miwacchi's age would make a good nibante to Kiriyan. (Er...not that I don't want Micchan and Kiriyan performing together, but it's complicated and would mess up my travel plans. Which is an entirely different post. *points* Go and watch A/L instead! It's really cute).