...do I dare to hope?

Sep 23, 2008 00:56

So Tomu has a Bow Hall, which in of itself is awesome.  The fact that it's based off a video game and that Tomu will be Lawyer!Tomu makes it even better.

Whenever the nibante has a lead, the sanbante just about always stays with the top star in their show.  At this point I would be surprised if Micchan didn't go to BeruBara (unless she gets a dinner show, but you would think that would be announced by now).  That would make her the nibante under Tani, and given that Oscar is most likely the nibante role for this show, this points to Micchan being Oscar.

Julie (among others) is probably laughing at me for doubting any of this (and in fact did earlier today ^^;).  So many signs point to Micchan being Oscar, plus she is IMHO much more the Oscar type than any of the other candidates (I suppose Eriko too maybe?  But she's farther down the pecking order than Micchan).  And yet I'm really scared to get my hopes up.  After all, a lot of people predicted that Sou would be Oscar in the hanagumi version, and it ended up going to Miwacchi.

To be honest I'm not even that big of a BeruBara fan.  I like the manga and I really like how Oscar is one of the strongest characters in Takarazuka canon, but I'm not a fan of Ueda Shinji's directorial style and I find the whole thing too...pink.  And yet, Oscar is one of the most prominent roles in Takarazuka history, and Micchan would be lucky to have an opportunity to play her.  Assuming of course that she's not reeling at the idea of having to play her second female role in less than a year, but I suppose that Oscar doesn't count as your typical female role ;)

Of course Ume-chan could also be Oscar, but I'm doubtful of this since given that Ayane-chan wasn't given Oscar in hanagumi's BeruBara.  I feel like I should be should be campaigning for Musumeyaku Rights and I really like Ume, but...I want Micchan!Oscar.  Given that she's such a Tani fangirl it would be hillarious to see her paired with Tani, and I really just see her being the type for the role.

I have a little hope, but I'm still scared to get my hopes up too much.  Like many other people, I will be reloading and reloading the Hankyu page eagerly until a casting announcement goes up some distant day in the future.

ETA: I'm also intrigued by the soragumi Bow Hall slot in August.  I don't think it would go to Tomu since she just had a lead.  That would make Micchan the next most likely candidate (which is needless to say exciting), but do sanbante get leads that go to both Kansai and Tokyo?  This could just as likely turn out to be a Tom show *shrug*

gyakuten saiban, 2009 schedule, ranju tomu, berubara, hokushou kairi, hizuki hana

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