Jun 27, 2005 17:52
i really dont feel like updatin but i have to ,to keep this goin ....i have had a very bad 2-3 weeks becuse of a bunch of fuckin bullshit like everyone has something to say about who i fuckin date or talk to ...brandon how come u havent been down in a while??? oh well i guess u are goin through some hard shit too but im sorry...:( and i went to tha tattoo shop and got somethin peirced hahahaha how cool i love it..i am goin through so much shit and i dont know what in the fuck to do goddamn i cant stand livin much fuckin more im not joking either...i been to my cousin jessicas and we had some mother fuckin fun i love her to death...getting away from home is like heaven because ..idk why but anyways i think my brother is going to get a new 4wheeler lol i cant wait i love to go effin ridin i dont know why everyone wants to start shit and fuckin brain wash some people oh well they can beleive whatever in the hell they want to ...neci me and u had the best goddamn time in ur house yay...Jess adams lil nephew is so damn cute he's like 2 aint he???he had a moe-hawk that was cool shewwww im gonna go i think i need to go and call someone:)
brandon u can come down any time you want to i know u will end up seein this because of some people who cant keep to there self and is in everyones business...luv ya