and after all the rain.. the suns still shining

Dec 16, 2005 22:46

BARRON vs GULF COAST tonight.. we lost.. too bad atleast we beat them the first time right.. todays been such a horrible day.. well there were some good parts but it lasted like 1 minute.. lets start to the begining..

i wake up late at 7:30 so i get to school late and miss like 1/2 of my midterm for my first class but i still managed to finish before a lot of ppl.. but the ride to school was the worst.. yea me and my dad got in another argument and i started cryin in the car and as soon as i walked into school i start balling so yea i had to clean myself up and then the attendance lady was a bitch to me.. second class was gay cause it was drivers ed.. third class of the day bio what fun.. that was gay too.. and lunch was alright cause jordan threw a cucumber at sharpie.. and then the last class was really boring cause all we did was watch a movie on columbus.. so after my dad forgets to pick me up so he gets there late right.. i get home at 2:30 and i had to work at 3.. cool i show up to work late and mike is a fuckin pedifile and i hate working with him so i was outside the whole time reading cause i had nothin else to do.. my brother picks me up from work cause me and my dad are still not talking and then i go to the BC GC game and we lose in the last quarter and everytime we would catch up and there would be a lil bit of hope the reff would call us for a foul on them.. bullshit no offense to you gulf coast ppl but that game shoulda been ours.. just be lucky the reff called all those and jj can shoot free throws.. well anyways.. ride home.. i try to talk to my dad about the game and then i was done telling him and i guess he didnt like the song on the radio so he changed it so some old fucker crap! and i change it and hes like nooo and im like fine then we wont have any music well turn it off and hes like no im the boss you have problems giving up an argument and not having it your way and im like haha no you do! and so we start yellin at each other and hes like im ur father im ur god im ur boss and im like no ur my dad thats it and all that means is that if it werent for you i wouldnt be here.. and he throws a shit fit and hes not afraid to hit me he has before im just waiting for him to do it again and hes like if you were a boy id backhand the shit out of you and i go you cant hit your kid just cause hes a boy and hes like oh just try me.. go ahead.. I HATE HIM! i really HATE my dad! i can honestly say i dont think i would cry if he died tomorrow and thats sad.. like who the fuck has a dad who fuckin kicks them ?! there shouldnt be that bad of a father that their kid doesnt give a damn about them anymore.. god i cant take it anymore... hes such an asshole no wonder all of his children turned out to be druggies and lie to him all the time! hes fucking doin this shit to himself keeping his kids locked up and not letting them do anything! tryin to be their god! and what i really hate is that he acts like such a different person infront of my friends and his friends and then when its just me and him hes a fucking asshole! i hate him.. i really do...  i really do...

god just help me... hes an alcoholic.. all he does is smoke black and milds all the time.. and he doesnt give a damn that the aroma of black and milds gives my mom seisures! he drinks a bottle of wine a day atleast! he doesnt do shit but sit on the computer at home and hes not even working when hes on it hes lookin at stuff on ebay! what a faggot! he goes threw my sisters car atleast once a week and its not even his buisness what the hell she does! uhh i cant take it anymore! if it werent for my mom id move in with my friends or something.. id do that thing where the child can divorce the parents and live on their own.. the only reason she says shes still with him is because im in school and i cant drive or anything yet.. god i hope she divorses him.. she desearves so much better!! ... i hate my own father.. and im ashamed of that... damn this is like a whole confessional.. but i just need to get this out of me or i duno what im gonna do... i just need life to get easier.. i shouldnt be happy to go to school just to get out of my house and be away from my dad..  only 2 1/2 more years and im leaving.. hell im gonna move in with someone when i graduate.. i cant do this..

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