Apr 06, 2005 20:08
I can't believe the season 2 DVD for 21 Jump Street came out without me knowing it. Thanks Meg. :-D
I saw Mrs. Carey today while David and I were running. I think I gave her a funny look though because I wasn't trying to figure out where I knew her from and then by the time I realized I was like "Shit that was Mrs. Carey!" Then David and I saw Mr. Dennis riding his bike and I was all "Psssh he so copied off of you Dave." David told me he got a 94 on the Driver's Ed State Final, he would too. Smart ass. I hope I did well on that. Ugh driving is going to be so gay because i've never done it before and i'm going to be horrible and it's going to be really sad and let's see how long I can keep this one sentence going. Nah I ran out of thoughts now.
Oh well.