The more it backfired on me-

Feb 27, 2005 01:46

So its been a long time since ive updated and a lot has happened and a lot has changed but im not about to copy down my schedule and tell you guys how much fun i had, i have a calendar for that.

This is more of a confession- I lied. Ive been a lot of people. I told everyone i was getting over him, didnt really like him anymore, didnt care, whatever. It was working for a while i had myself convinced it was just an innocent secret. At some point i thought maybe i was making progress. Hugging and kissing him weren't the answer to moving on though. It was just a sad excuse to distract myself from all of the other emotions and feelings i should have been dealing with instead of lying about.

And even though he probably has his hands down some pretty little girl's pants right now, im not over him, i still love him, too much. I am crazy about this boy. Its sick and i hate it because i know he doesnt and wont ever feel the same way again. All this time, i held on. Maybe it was just too much to let go of and i wasnt ready to do it. This time its over, i really do have to move on and i hate saying that, but its 3 and a half times worse being told that. "Krista, its like when someone tells a joke and everyone laughs, then they add to it and just ruin it" Hes the only one i want to talk to & i cant.

elly13xX: maybe you feel hopeless
elly13xX: but your not that either
elly13xX: maybe ur just not having hope in the right things
elly13xX: your hoping that you & chad will be okay & everything will be good again & everyone wil leave you alone, but maybe u need to hope that YOU will be okay, that you will get over him ya know what im saying

Im wasting my time. Whats the point in driving yourself insane over your ex-boyfriend who could care less? Its going to take a long time to get over him so if you were wondering, save your breath, i dont want to talk about it. This was all a big mistake, this time i have regrets but i learned a lot. Now ive got to do whats best for me or whats going to make me happy because missing him, wondering how things might have been, and this mad obsession werent going to do it for me.

-Cheerleading is ooover
-My Birthday is Thursday

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