Jan 31, 2007 04:18
Okay, yes its been a while for any update of what’s going on. The plan was to come back to Arizona, tell my roommates that I am leaving at the end of January, and well move back home. I get back to Arizona, find out that not just one, but the only roommates with jobs, have lost there jobs, both of them. They don't have any money, and is having hard time "finding" a job. They will not release me from the lease, unless they are able to afford to live without me. My one roommate, his family had planed months in advance, a family cruse ship last week and won't be back till next week. So pretty much I’m stuck, until all three find a job. Since of what I have seen, is really just slacking around barely looking, I’m guessing I am stuck here for a while.
So for the past 2-3 weeks I too have joined in the never-see-the-sun crew, with no job, no physical school to attend, I pretty much just spend my time at home. Stting on my computer, playing World of Warcraft. (btw Burning Crusade = hawtness x1000! yeah, I <3 WoW:BC! lol) But really I been just lazy as all hell, havent been outside in almost a few days now.... about a hr ago, I came up with kind of an action plan with goals for what’s I need to get done, and what I want to get done. hehe, trying to get organized, hopefully it sticks this time :p I figure, since I’m here, might as well make money, so going to find a job. Maybe hit the dating scene, V-day is coming up.
Anyways, getting sleepy at 4:39am, see ya. And word to my homies up north! peace dawgs......LOL