What was the first car you ever rode in? a white and black jeep cherokee (damn the 80's)
What is the first song you remember hearing? "michele ma belle" the beatles
What was your first favorite song? "dead mans party" oingo boingo
What was your first favorite band? the beatles
What was your first pet's/s' name? casey
When was the first time you had to go to the hospital? ive never been
Where did you go on your first vacation? ensenada
Who was your first best friend? jill barred
Who was the first person you fell in love with? jason lee
Who was the first person to break your heart? gian salucci
At what restaurant did you last eat? applebees
What was the last thing that bit you? my cat, lastnight, on the nose
What was the last popup you got? ??? I HATE THEM
What kind of drink was your last ice cube in? diet coke
What was the last green-colored article of clothing you wore? a green top from old navy
How much money did you get on your last paycheck? $378
What flavor was the last ice cream you had? vanilla
What was the last TV show you watched? my so called life
What was the last movie you saw in the theater? sahara
What was the last thing you most regret doing? being honest
What is your favorite kind of shoe? wedges
What is your favorite part about the opposite sex? height and eyes
What is your favorite city? san diego
What is your favorite television show? snapped and
-How Many Times-
How many times has someone opened a bathroom door on you? none that i remember!
How many times in the last month have you fallen over? purposely?
What were the reasons behind your falling over? boredom usually
How many times have you seen a spider and screamed? never
How many times have you grabbed a handful of free AOL disks from a store? never
How many times have you killed an insect and felt bad about it? never. i only kill cockroaches. and they deserve death and much more.
How many times have you been stalked by a store employee? ew. i hope not
How many times have you been stalked period? none that i know of *looks around*
If you wear them, what color are your glasses? burgandy frames
Who was the last person you yelled at unecessarily? ehhh.. i dont like to yell.
Have you ever been a vegetarian? Are you now? yes
What is one of the songs you are ashamed of listening to? NSYNC- but im so not ashamed
What is your funniest memory? alex sticking a giant rubber dick with a suction cup bottom to a manhole cover in the middle of the street and cars driving over it. holy sheeit that was fun.
What is the most obscure and random object you've ever injured yourself on? um.... none?
Are mean people hot? no way
Who is your celebrity crush? jason lee
Do you think Ugg Boots are cool? when its cold and i HAVE TO wear boots, i do.
Do you think you're a mean person? nope
What would your personal Heaven be like? puppies and kittens and bunnies running around cuddling and loving eachother.. and me kissing each of their noses!
What would your personal Hell be like? THE WORLD RULED BY GIANT COCKROACHES
Who had/has a crush on you? oh sheesh
What was the last thing you hit with a hammer? a tack on the wall. it broke. lol
How many times have you been suspended/expelled from school? eesh. um.. three times. heh.
What was the stupidest thing you ever got in trouble for? watching a rated R movie when i was 7
What time will it be in seventeen minutes? 4:02 pm