May 14, 2013 12:00
- Mon, 17:32: I'm at Apple Store, Valencia Town Center (Valencia, CA)
- Mon, 23:03: Photo: Monkey #cat #cute #pleatherette #glittah #whitneyhouston (at Casa de Quintero)
- Tue, 08:37: Now that I'm done with school, I desperately need a vacation. Or a vac-GAY-tion. Both. I want to go into hiding for a few days!
- Tue, 08:37: Maybe the mountains, or maybe the desert. Where I can write and be with my own thoughts for a few days. And finish my novel!
- Tue, 08:38: I miss the days when I mattered.
- Tue, 08:39: In other news, I miss the 90s.
- Tue, 11:31: ....aaaaaaand now I wanna be a Fulbright scholar. Debating on if I should apply or not...