Oct 02, 2010 18:31
After over a two year period of neglect, and having owned this LiveJournal for nearly ten years (2001, bitches!), I'm jumping back on the LiveJournal bandwagon again. Maybe it's me feeling nostalgic, or retro. But I figured-- I have a website for my poetry, and a blog for my photos, and a Facebook-- and I keep joining and quitting Twitter, so I might as well use this space for my useful thoughts since apparently I suck at keeping paper journals now. Damn you, Internet. You keep distracting me from things that aren't Internet-related! Ugh.
My schedule the last few weeks has been ridiculously busy. Truthishly, I haven't felt this busy in a long time- or ever. Which is weird, considering for a short period of time (see: 2005), I was working full-time, taking 21 units in school, living on my own and paying rent... and then I started working a SECOND job that year too-- so I'm not sure how me working two part-time jobs and taking classes for fun qualifies me as feeling busier than ever-- but hey, it's all relative, I guess. I was 19 and full of energy back in '05. Now I'm nearly 25 and feeling burned the fuck out.
My head hurts. Actually, I don't feel well at all in all respects. But I'm going to blame it on feeling stressed. Do you ever feel like you live a double-life? I sure do. I've felt like that for years. It's not a very nice feeling. But I keep all of my friends and family and things packed into neat little packages and containers, and I sure as hell do not want them mixing. Everything is perfectly balanced, and that boat needs no rocking.
That's all I'm going to post for now. I can't give away too much of my mystery yet. Besides, I hid all of my old entries over the last ten years so only I can see them. After all, who needs to share my personal histories with the Internet?