okay soo on friday britt came over and we did dumb
stuff. we melted peanut butter and chocolate together and made tasty
peanut butter / chocolate covered pretzels. they were quite good. then
we made stupid cards for our boyfriends and i dont remember what else
we did. oh yeah and max came over and brought me a sub :D:D:D:D <3
subs. it was turkey!! yeah so i made him play old maid and uno with us
for a while then he left but left his wallet here and it had 324
freakin dollars in it. what a loser. if i wasn't me and i was some old
greedy lady or something i could have stolen all of that. luckily
im nice and didn't steal any so he came back on saturday morning and
got that. so ummm later on saturday like at 1 scott came over. so me,
britt, and scott played lincoln logs and legos for a while and they
were amusing themselves by bouncing things off my butt. then later we
played with fingerpaints. acutally i have a pic of that... its real
small but here it is
yeah we ended up not really painting but instead coating our
face/hands/arms with it. well nobody else really had much on their face
cept me. haha yeah so that was a fun time. haha then later i found
these retarded truth or dare cards so we played with them. i got
one for scott that said he had to go in a dark room with no lights for
5 minutes and he was scared to do that so i decided to be nice and
lower it to 1 minute. i told him to just go in the bathroom but he
decided to go in the BASEMENT. (scotts afraid of the dark so i don't
know why he chose basement over bathroom) so anyway he was down
there and he kept making like these sad puppy noises like he was gonna
die and then a minute was up so i opened the basement door and i turned
on the light and told him to come up but he was like gone... so i just
turned the lights out and left... because he wasn't coming. so he
stayed down there for like 20 minutes in the dark and i have no freakin
clue why. i think he was just sitting there scared to death thinking he
was going to die. yeah so that was a fun time.
i did absofreaking nothing on sunday.
then today was like valentines day. curt got me yummy
cookies and carnations hehe i love him. i got him these awesome family
guy boxers and a big cookie. he came over after school but i forgot
that i had to babysit the neighbor babies so he had to come with me
hehe oh well he lived. after we babysat we came back here for
like 20 mins but then he left. haha i put my bra on him.. look how sexy
he is...
what a SEXY boy hehe he looks kind of drunk or something.
yeah so that was my wonderful last couple of days. TTFN!! ... definitely watched winnie the pooh today while babysitting