<^> ^_^ <^> Right here dennis, RIGHT HERE

Jul 09, 2005 01:19

ok, i have officially decided that i hate hurricanes, long time ago, a hurrican meant i could sit inside for endless hours, even days, and play with legos, when the storm died a bit i could go outside and inner tube down our road (that was when it was still dirt and it would wash out and make a river... good times good times). NOW it means i have to wonder what the Fudge to do with my new car, i have to get up at 5:45 in the morning (i didnt even know 5:45 came twice a day), run around town putting stuff up for rich people because they are gone and are so scared about there junk... last year was a bad time because of events going on in my life, NOW this year a whole new bag of events has unfolded...

my boss is firing me... i have the greatest job in the world and i'm going to get fired, why you ask, because i suck at life, i fail at EVERYTHING and for that one person who kept telling me other wise, here's ur proof, i'm losing it... everything... he's giving me one week to get caught up, i guess thats good cuz i work best under pressure, but i have ONE WEEK. RIGHT AFTER THE HURRICANE, everyone calls me for help afterwards, yeah i get payed but it's all time consuming... and i dont know what i'm gonna do...

i think my ex-gf got arrested for drugs, that brings a smile to my face... but i'm not 100% on that b/c i didnt go back to find out... if she didnt her friend did, and i always hated her friend too lol!

i'm still in love with someone i'll never stand a chance with... i dont know how to talk to her and i just keep running because i know i'm an idiot for liking anybody right now, especially right now of all times...

i miss you katie, you were like my best friend, and i'm sorry that i pissed you off to the point that we dont talk anymore. but that's all i know to say, well, that and have a fun and safe trip after this stupid storm blows over.
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