Top 10 Bristol Happenings

Jan 17, 2007 12:47

Top 10 things to do while stuck in your old hometown with friends who like your hometown, but there's not a lot to do in your hometown.

10. Constantly play tug-o-war with the dog in the house (his choice, not yours)
09. Play the same bluegrass tune over and over on your banjo, whilest others sit there in disgust
08. Spot the first ever person in person to have the same name as you in public
07. Hang out at a small town art gallery (with amazing art), then go to an art store across the street to look at old books with titles like, "Softball for Girls" and "Teach Your Wife to be A Widow"
06. Get free tickets to a movie theatre that is showing absolutly no movie you have any interest in seeing.
05. Eat at every local restaurant in town while succesfully avoiding "Mother's Restaurant" (not my mother, but the greasy spoon down the road)
04. Eat at Ridgewood Barbeque twice in five days
03. Watch two of the worst films to be made in 2006
02. Go to thrift stores and antique stores and find little LP gems like this
01. Dominate everyone in downstairs dart throwing competitions.

More has happened, but that gives you an idea.

Honorable mention: Hearing Dan make some internal/external digestion noise that will probably never be repeated as long as I live.
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