Sep 18, 2004 19:27
yesterday i got home from a long boring day of school and found alisha sitting on the steps with my dad. she drove me, my dad and my little brother up town and we went to go get daddys pay check. he cashed his check and then we went to go get hair cuts. i got my hair re-layered and i have bangs :) i like it. my hair is a bit short but i know my hair grows fast so im not even gonna trip. we came back home and then me an my older brother were sent back up town to run some arrins (sp?)*oh well* for my dad. came back home and then i was sent back up town to get some taco bell for everyone :) since no body ordered anything i got muhself a nacho bel grande and 2 tacos and for the rest of the familia i ordered 10 tacos lol i was gonna order more but i decided not to. it was funny though cause the guys in there were like how do you keep your figure when you order all this was all its a secret *yum munchies*.... they all just laughed but i hate goin in there by muh-self cause the guys in there hella hit on me and there all gross plus one of them is a past b/f so im pretty sure he talks shit. but i went home and grubbed :) tashia called and said she had a ride to galt so i told her to get her ass down hurrr. her mom bought a truck yesterday too so she was all excited. she gets to drive to galt more often now so i was pretty siked about that. while i was trying to finish cleaning the kitchen she showed up 10 minutes after i got off the phone with her so she decided to help me lol. my dad gave me 30 dollars to go to the store and buy a shit load of munchies of what ever i want. it was funny. since alisha got off at 9 we decided to just to go to the skate park for little while and kick it there and then go shopping and have alisha drive us back home. we went to the park and hung out with mr. garcia!! hes so awsome. we walked back to the store after antaganizing and yelling profound gestures and comments to that bitch and went shoppin!! it was so funny, me and tashia shopping with this huge basket full of munchies. we were just throwing in hella shit that we knew would look good after using illegal substances. we ran around the store for a while lol. i bought tash another pack of ciggs :( i know i shouldnt have but she was about to get on one knee and beg so i did :'( fuckin tashia. anyways we got a ride from alisha and came home. my dad and her and some co-workers went to the grape festival and we stayed hurr and just fucked around. we stood outside for a little while and talked and caught up on shit and then jeni lynn showed up out of no where and scared the shit out of me. davey called and told us to come outside, it was so funny. he was all i didnt know i lived a few houses down from you. i told him to meet us in the parking lot of the apts. and then he smoked us out and we just bull shitted for a little while sitting on someones steps. it was nice. me and tashia came back to muh house and sat in the back on the swing and were so fuckin blown, it was awsome. we laughed for days about hella shit. i talked to quite a few people on the phone and gave them some good laughs. tashia made my brother put in kill bill V.1......when tashia used to live with me, we got so fuckin high one time and watched that movie and it was off the hook, its a movie that is manditory to watch when your understand the whole concept :)....but yeh we watched that movie and ate our munchies and then when that movie was over we put in kill bill V.2 lol and began watchin that....the movie finally ended around 3 and my dad had just got home and he was drunk off his ass. we decided just to call it a night and kick my brother out of my bed and go to sleep. we slept for days till about 1 or so. tashias mom came earlier cause she was on her way back to lodi from sac and that was tashias only ride back but since they have a truck now tashia gets to come to galt more often :) it was nice kickin it with her, i was having tashia with drawls and was about to break down lol well something like that. its been so windy lately it sucks. it suppose to rain either tonight or tomorrow *night* CANT WAIT LOL.....DANCIN IN THE RAIN FO SHO. i love being a little kid ;)
my dad gave me a phone to put in my room so yay!!! my old cat that i used to have when i lived here before started to trust me again. he had gotten so wild he wouldnt even come near me so i gave him the food tempting treatment lol...i put tunafish near me and i just sat there and he came out of his hiding spot and i just sat there and watched him eat and then i started petting him, it didnt take him very long to put trust in me either. he hasnt left the yard all day lol :) i gots muh self a new/old pet haha. hes pretty fuckin gorgeous little brother named him shadow when we first got him and ive always called him by that name. hes black and has one little white spot on his chest, hes really skinny though :\ ill fattin him up now that i got him to come to the door and not run away from me hahah.
i feel emo with my bangs...i havent had bangs since like uhm fourth grade...childish... woohoo on a role.
i took a bubble bath today :D and ate tons of sour staws and pop sickles.
my dad ordered an extra large combo. pizza...i feel like all my fave foods are just being put into my hands hahaha
ok i felt like i needed to update this with a bunch of bull shit so i could entertain the pathetic self absorbed meaningless anonymus bastards who reply back lol
i have love to all the others though :p