Oct 06, 2004 19:56
Just a short announcement if anyone still checks this fucking journal anymore.
My band is finally formed, we are practicing four out of seven days of the week. I work too so its time consuming. Its Mike singing, me and manny on guitars, tyler on drums, and george on base. We wrote a song called "Bees" about death and destruction all around a person. Tune is catchy as hell. Im tired of the arguing around me. I dont care about what people are doing anymore and my mouth is staying shut on all subjects except for music. Im tired of anger around me but hey whatever. I like the line from Pantera's Walk: "Be yourself, by yourself, stay away from me!" Anyways our bands name is Dead Fly and were not planning on going huge, only the lucky few do. But we plan on giving mosh pit worthy music to the city of Joliet. I love you all if youre reading this and if I seem distant, grab my attention because im really fucking busy. I dont purposly be an ass. Ill start posting more often again. Sorry about this long no journal period.