про грифонов

Feb 07, 2017 18:17

Для связи Аполлона и грифона есть безымянная картинка, видимо, не прошедшая конкурсный отбор).

Naked male figure holding a bow, a quiver of arrows on his back (Apollo?) standing in a niche accompanied by a griffin.
Attributed to the Circle of Giulio Bonasone, 1530-1570

Вид грифонов довольно разнообразен. Тут еще нет гиппогрифа, на котором вроде бы летал герой, спасавший Анжелику в произведении Ариосто, который (герой) потом (или сначала) был Персеем, спасавшим Андромеду, но на просто крылатом коне, без ГМО.
Думаю, неправильно считать грифона орло-львом, по названию очевидно, что он (grif+lion) грифо-лев.
Еще тут нет гербария геральдического, потом отдельно будет несколько штук.
Все картинки найдены по слову griffin, так что все вопросы по отнесению существ к семейству грифонов не ко мне.

Bronze relief representing an oriental god kneeling between two griffins.
Culture/period Roman, Excavated/Findspot: Italy.
Только мне видится тут господин в пинжаке или фраке? :)

Mould-made pottery lamp with a voluted angular-tipped nozzle and a moulded convex inward-sloping rim. On the discus is a a lion-griffin leaping to the right. The lamp stands on a narrow base-ring; a large part of the underside is missing. Covered with an orange-red slip.
Culture/period Roman, 1-33, Italy

Mirror case; circular; lead; with open-work decoration; composed of two halves joined by a hinge; inside the remains of a slightly concave mirror; on both sides the decoration consists of a tree with spread branches under which stand a lion and a gryphon.
Culture/period Late Medieval, 13thC-14thC
Что-то мне это напоминает неоднократно виденное раньше, но уточнять лень, поэтому промолчу.

Ornamental design; a griffin, facing right, within a wreath of flowers. около 1490-1510, Anonymous, Germany
В Германии был такой грифон, птичий онли.

Panels from an organ case in the church of Saint Vitus in Naarden, Jan Eerstensz. van Schayck, c. 1510 - c. 1520
These ten figures adorned the medieval organ in the church of Saint Vitus in Naarden. Each figure holds a weapon and a coat of arms on a strap. Some are dressed as knights with a breastplate and a helmet, others as princes or noblemen. They may represent the Counts of Holland. All the shields would have originally been painted.
А потом он надел львиные штаны))

Title-border with Wild Men and a Centaur; male figure with a club riding a griffin on left; wild woman on a stag at right; on architrave above two lions and a sheep; in lower margin a centaur aiming an arrow at a wild man and woman. Used for for Martin Luther, 'Auslegung der Evangelien...', Wittenberg: Grunenberg, 1527. 1524
Print made by Georg Lemberger. Dated on the right capital. Title lettered: 'Auslegu[n]g der Episteln und Evangelien vom Advent an bis auff Ostern. Anderweyt corrigirt durch Martin Luther. Daruber ein newes Register. Gedruckt zu Wittenberg. M.D.XXVII.'
Это иллюстрация к книжке Мартина Лютера про Евангелие.

Alexander the Great carried into the air by two griffins; Alexander wearing armour, standing in a cage and holding a spear with an animal carcass.
Print made by Monogrammist IS & shovel. Formerly attributed to Hans Schäufelein. 1517-1537
Curator's comments
The subject taken from the 'Historia de preliis' written in the 10thC by the Neapolitan Archpriest Leo, see Dodgson, II, pp.38-9.
На грифонах в небо, понятно. Но что у Александра В. на палке??

Twee gevleugelde leeuwen, anonymous, after Cornelis Bos, 1548

Cartouche met een wapentrofee in een omlijsting van rolwerk, daarboven twee gevleugelde leeuwen, Harmen Jansz Muller, after Jacob Floris, 1564

Landscape with a various animals standing in two camps opposite each other, the left side led by a griffin, the right side led by a lion; unsigned; copy in reverse after Marcus Gheeraerts' illustrations to 'De Warachtighe Fabulen der Dieren' (Bruges, 1567)

Koninkrijken van de Assyriërs en de Chaldeeën, Johannes Wierix, after Gerard van Groeningen, before 1574
Он еще и по воде ходил. В Ассирии. Кто ходил по воздуху, не сообщается.

Ninus van Nineve als eerste koning uit het visioen van Daniël, Adriaen Collaert, after Maerten de Vos, 1570 - 1618
И в Ниневии ходил

Slabs (carved). A pair of granite slabs carved in relief with griffins (yali), heads in profile, with rosette border.
16thC-17thC. Found/Acquired Sri Lanka. Granite.
Acquisition notes
Used from the 1860s to form the dado of a boathouse in the grounds of a large country house at Harrow Weald Middlesex. This house belonged to a Mr Robert Smith (said to have been a "merchant"). The house was demolished in 1956. The slabs lay forgotten in its overgrown grounds until the children of the present owners of the property (and vendors of the slabs) discovered them and they were incorporated into the garden of their house.

Vignet met een wapen en twee griffioenen, anonymous, 1600 - 1699

Title-page with title written in cartouche, surmounted by three ovals with a griffin, a man with helmet and a king being saved from the sea by a bear, flanked by armory and with two ovals below with mythical creatures; title-page to Johann Sleidanus' "De quator summis imperiis libri tres: postrema editione hac accurate recogniti." (Leiden: 1631). c.1631
Разные виды, на выбор

Knight in armor holding a sword and a shield which has a griffin with a man's head on it; Dutch letterpress on verso; illustration to an edition of the Dutch "Biblia Sacra" (Jan van Moerentorf: 1645, Antwerp). c.1645
Print made by Christoffel van Sichem III
Грифон в шляпе для иллюстрации Библии Сакра.

Drinking-cup (bratina); globular; silver-gilt; the body covered with repoussé floral scrolls, the ground pounced; round the lip a Cyrillic inscription; inside in the bottom a boss, gilt and repoussé with a griffin among vegetation.
Russia, 17thC
Inscription Content "Истиная любовь подобна сосуду злату: ниωткуду ему разбития не бываетъ; аще и погнетца, разумомъ исправитца".
Inscription Translation: True love is like a golden vessel: it cannot be broken, and even if it is bent, reason can restore it.
Прям так и написано? В 17 веке?

Camee met de verheerlijking van Germanicus, Paulus Pontius (attributed to), after Peter Paul Rubens, 1616 - 1657
Вот эта картинка найдена в лругом поиске, так что тут может не быть грифона, но есть крылатый конь, сфинкс и фригийский колпак))

A Bridle for the French King.
Queen Anne accompanied by a griffin (half-eagle, half-lion) approaches Louis XIV with a bridle, he recoils in horror, but a woman representing the Netherlands siezes him by the throat; she is accompanied by a lion and hold a bundle of fasces; Louis accedes to their demands to return his conquests. Archduke Charles, Austrian claimant to the throne of Spain, sits on a pedestal, to left, between Justice and Hope. In the air, on the right, an Imperial eagle tears at a French cock. Title in cartouche to right; three further cartouches with verses below.
Print made by Anonymous. London, 1706
Production place Published in: term details (Europe,British Isles,England,London)
Lettered within the image with the title in a plaque, other captions, and at the base six lines of verse in three plaques 'Tyrant, if Man cannont thy pow'r asswage ... They will Oblige him to return again.'.
Какой-то бескрылый грифон

Griffioen verslagen door de leeuw van Sint Marcus, Robert van Audenaerd, 1673 - 1743

Gehelmd wapenschild met Nederlandse leeuw, Simon Fokke, 1776
Еще в конце 18 века форма грифона не устоялась? Или они и были разные?

Titelprent met ornament en titel, Placido Columbani, 1776

Fries met grifioenen en reliëf met putto, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, 1778
Вот у Пиранези все четко.

Vliegende dwaasheid, Francisco de Goya, 1815 - 1820
Что там привиделсь Гойе, я даже не знаю

Chair, anonymous, c. 1840 - c. 1850
This chair is one of the first expressions of the Renaissance Revival style in the Netherlands. The furniture-maker meticulously copied a French print from 1839. His only addition was the family crest of Mr and Mrs van Voorst van Beest-Ruys, for whom he made the chair, on both the back and the embroidered seat.
Не знаю, какое существо тут грифон, но мне нравится Renaissance Revival в середине 19 века))

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