The Mediocreiest Day Ever!

Nov 11, 2006 09:36

Did anybody else watch "Spongebob Squarepants: The Best Day Ever" on Nickelodeon yesterday? Even 6 months ago, 24 hours of Spongebob Squarepants would have been considered torture by me. Of course, I really only watched from about episode #35 downward. Some of the choices made sense, but Good Lord they picked a bad episode to be #1.

But right before we even got to #1 they premiered the new Spongebob episode "The Best Day Ever." Considering how heavily they promotoed that damned episode, you'd hope it was pretty good, right?

Wrong. Pretty much any funny bits were shown in the commercials for it. And of course, over and over they repeated that rather annoying song. It was a major letdown.

And of course they followed that up by revealing that the #1 episode--was "Karate Island." A mildly amusing episode, sure, but nothing compared to the greatness of the episode where Spongebob is afraid to go outside--now that should have been number 1.

Of course, they truly topped the night off with The Spongebob Squarepants Movie's television premiere. We had laundry to do, so I had to tape it, but I'm actually looking forward to watching it. Quite a change from two years ago when the film was coming out in theatres and I would cringe whenever I had to witness a trailer for it.

Hey, I was wrong, I can admit that.


And I want a Squidward action figure.

spongebob squarepants, rants, reviews, tv

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