Let's just say that this weekend was...different. First of all, I got home from school on friday and found out that my dad forgot to pay the cable bill, and so they started shutting off our services at midnight on Friday...beginning with the internet. My mom suddenly noticed the next morning when she went to start working. I'm sure it wasn't too shortly after that my dad got a rather vindictive phone call from her. So they talked to the cable people, paid the bill, but for some reason they couldn't get the internet back up. So my mom had to make an appointment for them to come out here to fix it. To make a long story a little shorter, I was without internet for the whole weekend. Needless to say, I felt very secluded from most of the world. Especially people that I NEEDED to talk to but didn't feel like calling. heh.
SOOOOO...friday i decided that i HAD to get out of the house...away from my parents. I went to ATL Bread co. with chelly and stephanie. I must say, the French Onion soup was at its best...always the best. I should probably try to branch out and try new things, but I like sticking with the usual...it's in my comfort zone, and, as most of you know, I don't stray too far from my comfort zone. After supper and chatting for like...a LONG time, I went to hang with some other cool people, still not wanting to go home. Of course, I did tell my mom that I would take her to the store so she wouldn't have to drive lindsey's crapping geo and my dad's stinky car. (lindsey took her car to Columbia) Well,(summary) I sort-of forgot about that...and got yelled at when I got home. not cool. So, I shut myself in my room and
Its bitter destructiveness changes everything it touches
It preys on the warm-hearted
Leaving them frozen and alone.
Alone to suffer,
Alone to die.
Will the sun's rays come out again?
Will they warm those unsuspecting victums?
Or has this warmth been used too much,
Too much by victums who will always freeze again.
And when Frost repeats its devastating destiny
Will its victums be prepared to conqure Frost?
Or will they once again fall into the traps of lies?
The fallen call upon the forgotten sun.
They call for its warmth and compassion again
Only there is no answer, there is no reply.
These rays are tired of warming and thawing.
These rays are used,
Burned and finished.
. It may be about something, it may be about nothing. who knows.
Saturday was great...I can't remember what I did that afternoon, but that night i went to Ed's and watched the game. I decided ahead of time that I was going to be a USC fan for the game this year, just cause I rooted for Clemson last year, and you always have to root for someone or else it's no fun. So I had fun rooting for the losing team and eating...a LOT! yum yum.
Sunday was CALCULUS DAY! Ha, I bet you didn't know that. I hope everyone celebrated like I did. Courtney, Stephanie, and I ended up studying calc. for about 2 hours and then I got distracted and ended up distracting everyone else. But it definately helped...at least I had an idea of how to attempt the problems. What I really want is a 95 in that class, so I can be put up on the wall of geniuses...that would be nice. The only way I figure I can get that is to almost completely cut off my social life. (not saying that people who are already on the wall have no social life...they're just smarter than me and have to study less) Yes, so that's what I'm going to do...yep. Just not right now. heh.