Dec 30, 2010 08:48
I can honestly say that I will not miss 2010 one single bit. It has been a vengeful, nasty, sad, stressful, anxiety-filled year where karma continually took bites out of my ass. I envision myself taking a shower and washing all of 2010 off of me, my life and my family.
That's not to say I didn't learn anything from this experience. I think I've grown tremendously and I've become a different person in some respects. I realize that what you sow, you will reap ten-fold, that things that can stress you out so badly are really so insignificant and inconsequential in hindsight, and that I've got to remember to let things go.
I would say that karma got me good this year. The events at the end of 2009, leading up to 2010 were just notes for karma to take. The way I spoke so poorly of my father-in-law (who's still a bit of an odd duck, but that's just how he is, I guess), the uppity attitude Taylor and I had when we bought our new place and moved out of our old house. "We'll show him! He's not going to live with us and bleed us dry emotionally.".... and then we lost something that I will never get back. A home that housed so many good memories and that provided security for me. Now I'm stuck in a townhouse that fills me with anxiety the minute I walk in the door to the point that some days all I want to do is be out driving around somewhere, anywhere, just as long as I'm not stuck within its walls. I hate it that much. 23 months and we can be free of that pit of despair.
Ugh.... okay, I'm getting off track.
I'm thinking more, I'm reading more, I'm creating more so I hope that 2011 is a year that I will continue to grow but also to be able to handle adversity better than I did in 2010. Instead of always asking, "Why is this happening to me?" all the time, I'll be able to say, "It's no big deal. God is in control. Give it to Him if it's too much to bare."
So there you have it.... a cynical, yet somewhat more positive outlook for 2011. I can't control everything that happens in my life but I can control how I perceive it and how I react to it.
To all my friends who have offered me love, support, kind words this year, I cannot thank you enough for all of it and for your friendship. You have helped me through so much this year and your kindness means more to me than words can truly express.
Happy 2011, ya'll! I hope this coming year is filled with many happy memories, good times, and lots of luck and love for all of you!