Check out the Atlas Shrugged movie blog

Dec 09, 2010 07:16

Hans Schantz and I have launched a new blog exclusively devoted to covering the Atlas Shrugged movie, at

For those not already familiar with Hans, he has done some excellent work already covering the Atlas movie, including interviewing screenwriter Brian O’Toole and creating an excellent Atlas Shrugged chronology, outlining the dates of major events in the novel itself. I’m pleased to have his help covering the movie.

The Atlasphere’s meta-bloggers will continue covering any major developments in the movie, but this new blog will become our primary repository for Atlas Shrugged movie news and discussion.

Recent posts there include a preview (in text and photos) of the Atlas Shrugged movie, an interview with screenwriter Brian O’Toole, and a post with a link to the new official Atlas Shrugged - Part I movie website (a splash page, for now, enabling you to sign up for announcements).

Comments are enabled on this new blog and we look forward to hearing your thoughts as more and more information about the new movie becomes available.

If you’re as excited about the movie as we are and would like to join Hans and me as a co-blogger at the Atlas Shrugged movie blog, let me know.

Originally published at Mudita Journal. Please leave any comments there.

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