Last Update: August 23, 2009 - added Douglas Rudd
NOTE: Although I continue to update this page by request, it has long ago been surpassed by the comprehensive list of
member blogs (login required) at the Atlasphere’s
Ayn Rand Dating & Networking web site, which contains a directory of thousands of admirers of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.
Below is a growing, semi-official directory of Objectivist blogs. (You can access this page via
More precisely, the following bloggers have a strong interest in
Ayn Rand’s philosophy of
Objectivism. Not all of these people would identify themselves as being “an Objectivist,” but to the best of my knowledge each agrees with the basic tenets of Rand’s philosophy, broadly defined: a reason-based epistemology, ethical individualism, and free market capitalism.
Ayn Rand Meta-Blog from the Atlasphere
Charles R. Anderson (Objectivist Individualist)
Robert James Bidinotto (The Bidinotto Blog)
Andrew Breese (Perspectivism)
David M. Brown (The Crunch Report)
Sidney August Cammeresi (Blog of Doom)
Craig Ceely (The Anger of Compassion)
Miguel Centallas (Ciao!)
Erik Christian (Titan)
Andy Clarkson (The Charlotte Capitalist)
Adrian Conte (The Amazing Rando)
Cox & Forkum (Editorial Cartoons)
Andrew Dalton (Witch Doctor Repellant)
Dean (deanpence)
Mario Diana (Coarsely Ground)
Joe Duarte (A Galaxy Far, Far Away)
Faustin (The Worship of Questions)
Steve Friedman (Nifty McNiftage)
Dave Galanter (Snark Bait)
Chip Gibbons (Binary Circumstance)
Kernon Gibes (Not Ready for InstaPundit)
GMU Objectivist Club
Stephen Green (designated Rand drinking buddy)
Aaron Haspel (God of the Machine)
Diana Hsieh (NoodleFood)
Paul Hsieh (GeekPress, also at
Michael Hussey (Disaffiliates - Think Twice)
Joseph Kellard (The American Individualist)
Stephan Kinsella
Carter Laren (Producer Advocate)
Martin Lindeskog (Ego)
Roderick Long (In a Blog’s Stead)
Alexander Marriott (Wit and Wisdom)
David N. Mayer (MayerBlog)
Hanah Metchis (Purr Se)
Dahlia Metchis (Dahlia’s Journal)
Michael Mignogna
Martin Murray
Kenneth Neil (Intergalactic Capitalist)
Ted O’Connor (Hober)
Jeff Patterson (Gravity Lens)
Tim Peck (You Might Very Well Think That)
Greg Perkins (contributing blogger at NoodleFood)
John Perich (Adventures of a Model Son)
Dinesh Pillay (Prometheus)
Pooka Pooka (Happily Myself)
Doug Reich (The Rational Capitalist)
George Reisman
Douglas Rudd
The Rule of Reason (Ctr. for the Advancement of Capitalism)
Rob Sama (samaBlog)
Chris Sciabarra (Not a Blog)
Henry Scuoteguazza (Thinking Objectively)
Arthur Silber (Power of Narrative)
Mike Shapiro (MadBard)
David Sherman (Better Living Through Blogging)
Jennifer Snow (Literatrix)
Marshall Sontag (Boundless Enthusiasm)
Bård Standal
Thomas Ryan Stone (Philosopher Stone)
Robert Tracy (Tracy Fine Art)
David Veksler (The Greedy Capitalists Domain)
John Venlet (Improved Clinch)
Douglas Wagoner
Jimmy Wales (Free knowledge for free minds)
Don Watkins (contributing blogger at NoodleFood)
Gregory Wharton (Kenshi)
Russell Whitaker (Survival Arts)
Kevin Whited (Publius TX)
Joshua Zader (Mudita Journal)
The following people asked to be listed in the “Friends of Objectivism” category:
Tom Bux (Tom’s Nap Room)
Kenneth Gregg (CLASSical Liberalism)
Liberty & Power Group Blog (Sciabarra, McElroy, Silber, Long, etc.)
Wendy McElroy (McBlog)
Peter Saint-Andre (StPeter)
Erica Tesla (Taking 20)
Samuel Tesla (Last Minute Thoughts)
Jennifer W (Gone Savage)
Will Wilkinson (The Fly Bottle)
LiveJournal also has an incredibly long roster of users who characterize themselves as having
an interest in Objectivism, and hosts the following two discussion groups:
LJ Objectivism Community
LJ Objectivists Discussion Group If you have additions or corrections, please
contact me. Thanks!
Originally published at
Mudita Journal. Please leave any
comments there.