A First Glance...

Jun 22, 2006 12:16

Course Name and Title Meeting Information Creds Start Date PHYS*1020*0202 (7305) Introductory Physics

LEC Mon, Wed, Fri
03:30PM - 04:20PM
MACN, Room 105

10:30AM - 12:20PM
MACN, Room 301 0.5 06/09/11 MATH*1080*0202 (6967) Elements of Calculus I

LEC Mon, Wed, Fri
04:30PM - 05:20PM
ROZH, Room 101

11:30AM - 12:20PM
WMEM, Room 001 0.5 06/09/11 CHEM*1040*0251 (5928) General Chemistry I

LEC Mon, Wed, Fri
01:30PM - 02:20PM
ROZH, Room 104

LAB Thur
10:00AM - 12:50PM
SCIE, Room 2104 0.5 06/09/11 BIOL*1030*0114 (5815) Biology I

LEC Mon, Wed, Fri
08:30AM - 09:20AM
ROZH, Room 104

09:30AM - 12:20PM
SCIE, Room 3306 0.5 06/09/11 MUSC*1500 Applied Music 1 TBA 0.5 TBA
So this is what my schedule looks like.  It's compromised of mainly sciences and math, having classes every other day.

In regards to music, I need to audition for a spot.  That audition will be held on Sept 8, '06 at 11:50am.

Wish me luck!

I deem studying to be hardcore to the xcore =)
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