I don't even know what to call this.

Mar 16, 2010 20:45

"So I think Dustin's cousin was hitting on you Matt."
"Yeah, she was hitting on you....pretty serious like."
*insert further explanation about the flirting that was going on.*
"WELL FUCK. Too bad she has a boyfriend...Well HAD a boyfriend...they broke up recently."
"Did she break up with him for YOU?"
"I don't know, but I'd feel like shit if she did, I mean the poor guy is in Afghanistan."
"Yeah you'd feel bad until that shirt came off!"
"Hahahahahahahaha so true"
"Yeah it'd be like this....wow I feel bad abou.....WOW....UM..."
"Hahahahaha....man if only."
*insert dazed look on his face as he fascinates about the possibilities...that same look that I have on my face when I thought about him.*

and what did I do during the entire conversation?  Grin and bore it.  I couldn't get up and leave, or breakdown like I want to now, and feel like i'm starting to....that would just give it all away.

How could I have been so stupid?????
WHY did I let my guard down?  I thought i could trust him.  I thought it would all be okay, but nope!  Thats not going to happen.

I feel like such a fool, and such an idiot.  I should have seen this coming. I should have known that he wasn't interested, that he didn't want anything to do with it, with me.

I mean I even actually put EFFORT behind looking presentable today. Not for his sake either, I wasn't even supposed to see him, but then chance encounter led to dinner, which led to us having plans to work out together in 15 minutes.



..........and why can't i still get you out of my head or heart? WHY DOES THIS FUCKING HURT SO MUCH?

men suck.

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