Uhhh, well shit

Jan 14, 2012 01:02

Had a complete blonde moment this afternoon. I apparently have can't count because I didn't realise that next week is my last week of fulltime employment at work D: Seriously, I thought it was the week after! Where the hell did the month go already? Anyway I'm having a slight freak out. It looks like I should still have at least a full day of teaching this year, but we won't know until mid Jan at enrolment whether we'll be running a second class. Basically, I need to find either another fulltime job, or another casual/part time job.

Fortunately my dream job has just been advertised. It's a fulltime teaching job at Melbourne Zoo. And because of my volunteer teaching at the zoo and my current teaching stuff I think I have a good chance of at least getting an interview. How far I get is yet to be seen. It's my dream job and about a billion other people's too :/ Anyway, I'm trying not to think about it too much and I have a shitload of work still to do D:

In other news, I'm totally stoked because another of my fandom questions was answered :D Seriously, Barbara Pyle and Nick Boxter are super awesome for indulging in my fandom related questions. Obviously I try not to push my luck and hound them, but I've asked them two of the larger debates that has floated around the Captain Planet fandom and they've answered them both! My latest question was regarding Wheeler's first name. We suspected Wheeler was a surname (because seriously, why would you name your child 'Wheeler'?). There was also a question whether J.W. were his initials - only once were they divulged and under pretty washy circumstances. Well, turns out they are his initials and we now know that our Fire Planeteer's name is James Wheeler! I wonder how many people are going to start throwing that in to every fic they write now :/ There were a few authors on ffn that made up a first name for him and Linka always referred to him by 'Jason' (urgh). This actually really shits me because it's completely unjustified and she never did it in canon, so why just all of a sudden start doing it? Idk, maybe I'm just finicky. They tend to write the characters so overwhelming OOC anyway I guess this is a fairly minor detail.

Urgh the weather here in Melbourne has been utterly shite this week. I actually don't mind cooler weather. I hate, hate, hate hot weather but our office is unnaturally cold so I have been wearing a beanie and jacket in the office. And it's the middle of summer :| I hope it warms up a little bit. Like mid 20's would be nice. Seriously Melbourne, 40C one week and then 15C the next? Get your shit together! Brrrrrrrrr  

work, fandom: captain planet, wheeler

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