Revisiting and re-claiming muddynights

Jun 03, 2012 14:58

I'm putting up this post while waiting for 3 pm to roll in - for me to pick up my freshly neutered kitten from the vet, and be able to rush out to meet Dr S in Chinatown to pick up some stuff for the divine miss m.

But I have to say its been awhile.

For the next 10 minutes, let me just see whether I still have the mojo to jump-start this blog.

I've looked through my friends list - and realised that I've only have half on my FB friends list. Either I have remained anonymous or I'm just un-added-able.

Looked through my outdated profile - and decided that some things have got to go. It's really been a while!

Perhaps it's partly because those muddynights moments have been coming far in between - those nights when kilometric thoughts are rushing through your head while you desperately wish for sleep to overcome. Nowadays, I fall asleep instantly - maybe because of age (ha-ha) or because I'm just too exhausted. Or maybe there's very little left to think about. Surely not.

Nevertheless, let's see whether I can still re-claim this space and conjure up muddynights.


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