I'd just like to say thanks to everyone who offered their support in hearing about Nick's disappearance.
His body was found this afternoon. He'd drowned on his way home from the nightclub.
It's such a tragedy. I can't believe I'm never going to see him again, and that I passed up the chance to see him a few weeks back in Liverpool. He was such a lovely guy (I can't believe I'm talking about him in the past tense), he rolled the best spliffs ever, if it wasn't for him I would never have met half the people I'm frinds with from uni... it's just not fair.
I'm supposed to be going on holiday on Friday. Tomorrow I was due to go home, but I just have to go to his funeral. I need resolution. Michael suggested I fly out to meet them after the funeral, which is doable.
Earlier I couldn't stop crying, now I just feel numb &as if I'm in a dream. I'll miss him so much.
Link to latest BBC News article.
On the rapids at Alton Towers
Nick &Steve at a picnic in first year. Steve is his best friend &is crushed.
Why is life so sad?