Mom news...(and leather news too)

Oct 01, 2012 13:58

So I got the news from the fam about my mom. She had here cat scan on I think Wed and got the results on Friday and the mass has shrunk at least half since she started treatments so the chemo is completely working. the doctors are super happy with how my mom's body is reacting to the therapy and apparently the chemo on her lymphoma is also working on her bone cancer. So if everything goes according to plan she shouldn't have more treatments than the allotted 6. So I believe sometime after Christmas (and this is not for sure) she should be done her treatments which is great cause she needs to start healing from the chemo and she's as bald as a cue ball.
Also my sister had her baby girl about 5 days ago...can't remember if I already wrote about this.

And in other very different news I went over to a friends place tonight and got my outfit ready for the Dream party which is a huge fetish party going down on the 13th. I'm wearing an X harness over a white short sleeve button up shirt and black leather short shorts with white stripes up the sides, black boots...and a smile. I'm super excited. My friend thinks that I will lose the shirt when I'm there...he doesn't know me as well as he thinks. I may go nude once in awhile but I'm quite shy, plus a button up underneath a harness is not the easiest thing to take off.
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