Gay boys can suck it!!!!

May 21, 2012 02:59

So its been awhile since I've posted...and I don't know why heart ache and alcohol fuels my posts but...fuck it.
I was at a dance party tonight and it cleared up a few things about not only this city but also the gay community in general....fickle assholes....
I spent all night at a party where people said they would be...did they make an effort to try to find me? fuck no...was I left alone to dance and get drunk alone in a sea of people? fuck I ultimately care? fuck no!!
Toronto is not Regina...I'm coming to grips with that.
People will not give themselves for others...not like back home...
Whatever...the universe really pulled through by giving me a friend at a convenience store out of the blue with a suit and a smile...
the other gay boys can suck it. I'm alone and am coming to terms with it.
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