(no subject)

Apr 26, 2005 15:45

wow this is really wearing on me physically and mentally
umm so this weekend i find out that my dad had yet another kid with some hobo
and it makes me mad
because i am sick of being related to all of these random kids
and also it hurts because when this happens i have to go aginst him and court
and that is hard to do
considering he is your own flesh and blood
so you have to feel a little bit sorry for him
but then my mom got in trouble
and i cant say about that
but i mean WOWW. YOU got in trouble, not ME
and it is getting taken out on me
and then i have to sit there and hear noggie get his way 24/7
and when he dosent he bitches
like now i cant even concentrate becasue i am not happy anywhere
and people who know me know that it is hard for me to be unahppy
i always look to the positive side
and right now it is hard to the maxx
i might seem like i am happy
but then i think for a second and it all goes away
i wish i could just cry and cry to get things out
but everytime i do i get yelled at
i think i want to get a piercing
so some pain will go to my body and go away
i just dont know
im soo mad right now
and sad
and school is not on my mind.
the end
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