Doctors are just so smart!

Jan 05, 2010 19:29

So, I went to the dr today.  The chest pains have come back even taking my medicine.  The headaches are out of control again and I'm not sleeping.  So, he asks if anything has changed recently.  Well, duh...  I tell him about Justin, as I realize I haven't been to the drs since all this happened.  He tells me he doesn't think it is the medicine not working anymore, he thinks it is...wait for it...stress.  Well, I have no idea where in the hell he could have come up with a diagnosis like that.  Me stressed?  Not me, I am the ocean of calm.  He gave me a prescription for some mild nerve pills.  The directions are to take one pill three times a day.  Now, I already have muscle relaxers I am supposed to take 3 to 4 times as day.  There is no way I could actually take both and function at work.  Of course, I only take the muscle relaxers when I absolutely need them at work.  The new pills will be no different.  I am not one to take things like that.  I will try them at night though.  Maybe they will shut my mind off enough that I can actually sleep more than an hour to two a night.

He is going to check the MRI that I had just before all this started with Justin to check it.  Better safe than sorry.  Kerstin said they are not sure if Justin really had an AVM or if it was just an anyurism.  If it was the latter, then I could be at risk of one.  Scary.  At least the dr knows and is going to check my MRI.  Oh, and I have to go next week for a mammogram.  Fun times.

Okay, dinner is done, so I better go get some before the brats eat it all. 
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