(Wrath had watched that absurdity, his features immovable. A party of some sort, clothes, a group of friends. He was about to conclude from the dream that the dreamer was a shallow fool like the one who spoke with who is always doing his hair. However, as he sees the dreamer, a light-haired boy sneering at the dream, he sees that that is not the case.)
Tell me, what is this about this world that sparks the most irrelevant dreams in its residents? (He regards the disapproving boy with a narrowed, discerning eye.) I can plainly see you are not the type of child to dwell on such idiocy.
A general tendency to create as much discord in as short a time is possible. I can't say that in my many many months that I've actually figured out what it is that does it, only that it's a bloody pain the arse.
You're right, I'm not. I tend to place myself above such things. I've got better things to do.
(At the boy's answer pertaining to create discord', Wrath silently acknowledges it. He of all people should be familiar with creating discord--while appearing to uphold order.)
(He reads the boy's tone. Dripping with arrogance. He wonders what sorts of human achievement the boy has made to be this_proud.)
(Wrath returns the long stare, his one eye smiling.)
(That he has not heard of. For his entire time in Somarium he has been striving to find out other's names, giving his freely, hiding it--but he, who puts such a high value on information, does not plan to yield his designation so easily to a boy who simply expects it.)
(But he obliges the boy, at least partly.)
King Bradley. (Smile.) You'll have to excuse my ignorance. What is a Muggle--Are they humans? Are they of a lower social status?
(They must be rude creatures, whatever they are. Or maybe they are simply rude to this boy who apparently has very high standards.)
[Draco snorts with mild amusement, showing his prejudice even more than before. After all, very few people tend to entirely disregard a title like that.] A king? Well, aren't we privileged. I certainly hope you don't expect us to kowtow to your every whim.
A magicless creature, like so many here. All of them display ignorance, just like yourself.
Tell me, what is this about this world that sparks the most irrelevant dreams in its residents? (He regards the disapproving boy with a narrowed, discerning eye.) I can plainly see you are not the type of child to dwell on such idiocy.
You're right, I'm not. I tend to place myself above such things. I've got better things to do.
(He reads the boy's tone. Dripping with arrogance. He wonders what sorts of human achievement the boy has made to be this_proud.)
Such as?
Such as 'why is this suddenly your business'?
Now now, no need for the tone, sonny.
Why yes. Unless I should call you by something else?
Preferably my name. Draco Malfoy, Slytherin Prefect and Knight of the Scales.
Very well, Draco Malfoy.
(Wrath is amused. That's all it took to get the boy to cough up that information? Just another typical human.)
'Very well', nothing. When someone gives you their name, you give yours back. Common courtesy.
Unless, of course, you were raised as nothing more than a common Muggle, completely mannerless.
(That he has not heard of. For his entire time in Somarium he has been striving to find out other's names, giving his freely, hiding it--but he, who puts such a high value on information, does not plan to yield his designation so easily to a boy who simply expects it.)
(But he obliges the boy, at least partly.)
King Bradley. (Smile.) You'll have to excuse my ignorance. What is a Muggle--Are they humans? Are they of a lower social status?
(They must be rude creatures, whatever they are. Or maybe they are simply rude to this boy who apparently has very high standards.)
A magicless creature, like so many here. All of them display ignorance, just like yourself.
(He hears the amused snort--the quickness to judge on the part of the boy. Was the brat expecting that he would acknowledge the title? Absurd.)
(He hears the sneering sarcasm, still smiling.)
Oh, no, certainly not. I am just an ordinary man.
So why don't you grace me with your knowledge?
In terms of what? In order to get answers, you have to first ask the right questions.
No, there are not.
Yes, I know that quite well. (His smile drops.) If you would kindly inform me about magic.
'Magic' is a very broad topic. What about it?
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