Latest progress on my website! ♥ I loooove it.
We're going to change the footer as the colour change doesn't quite work - going to change it to a felt sort of texture, same as the main cream blocks.
Incidentally I now have a twitter for the craft business -
trixibellenet Gimme an add you bunch of lovelies.
I'm still not really expecting to actually sell anything, to be honest. But I'm still, for some reason, really enjoying this process!
I'm also going to start a new LJ soon. I've had this one for a long...long...loooooooooooong time, and I think it's time I shed a lot of the baggage that started this journal off. It's also horrendously embarrassing to go back and read a lot of the entries (I know diaries always are cringeworthy in retrospect) and starting all this trixibelle stuff seems like a good opportunity for a new beginning!