Reasons to be happy... 1, 2, 3.

Mar 22, 2010 10:22

Exciting thing 1. I woke up the other day to discover we'd finally had all our bins delivered (a mere 7 months after we moved in). Felt sufficiently moved to take a picture to mark the occasion...

It was a truly magical experience the first time I put my rubbish in the bin. A tiny tear may have been shed. (Unfortunately we don't have a recycling bin for tears, so I had to leave it on the ground where it fell.)

Exciting thing 2: Going to start an art project, which may or may not work, but I'm very much looking forward to dredging my paints out again. [Edit: Accidentally wrote 'pants' the first time. Apologies for any confusion/unwarranted excitement that may have occured.)

Exciting thing 3: Some work related news came to light early last week, but it would be unprofessional of me to talk about it here. Suffice to say I'm Very Pleased.

Days to go: 106
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