Jan 31, 2005 09:58
so I was messing around with a different poetic style yet again and this is what happened. Let me know what you think about it
 The  Cold
- Upon Trying -
It was such a sickly sweet tasting candy
 The first time I tried it
It empowered me to do that which I could not
It unleashed the deep seethings of my soul
 Upon an unsuspecting victim
It allowed me to rise above caring
It alleviated all sense of feeling
 Towards its target
It blended fire and ice into one short-lived monster
 Destroying anything in its path
It was a frosted flame cutting down anything or body
It was a magnificent manifestation of unsaid words
 Held dormant too long
It was that insatiable appetite fulfilled
It was that bottomless pit
 That you never fall out of
- Upon Seeing -
It was that impenetrable fortress of a surrounding
 The first time I saw it
It covered better than any blanket stitched
It held faster and stronger that was possible
 Against unwanted intrusions
It defended more diligently than an army
It defeated more foes than the angels
 That frozen refuge
It molded wrath and hatred into a cohesive unit
 Blocking everything aimed at it
It was the ever-sharp sword of diamond
It was the unbreakable metal sheathe
 Guarding frozen depths unknown
It was that bully's posse never to mess with
It was that uncapturable castle
 That you never crawl out of
- Upon Receiving -
It was such a bitter horrible draining feeling
 The first time I partook of it
It leveled off my high mountain top
It eroded the very fibers of my soul
 The ever-innocent bystander
It eradicated all remaining thoughts of hope
It suspended all of my nerves
 Snipping lines one by one
It infused a glacier into the sun
 Ball of burning icy ire
It was the never ending onslaught
It was the destroyer of life
 Removing rifts from time
It was that armageddon comet
It was that unstoppable freight train
 With no headlight
It was cold
So very cold
 SGMJr 01-31-05