Little red riding hood's a prostitute.

Jul 16, 2004 12:20

And here we go,

Yeah, I haven’t really updated in a while. Sue me. I promise that you’ll receive the most insignificant amount of money and I’ll piss on it to worsen the outcome. So, I guess I have an addicted personality. Sure, it’s a bad thing, I know but it makes you realize a lot of things too. I’m addicted to (in no particular order) poker, sex, guys, pot, sweaters and bags. Yes, I know there’s a lot more but I don’t want you to know how incredibly bizarre I am, or rather worsen your already crazed impression that I’ve given you. Man, I love the 90’s. Not the goddamn show, I really fucking loved the 90’s despite my whole neon spandex stage with my ruffled socks. I wish I could’ve been the age I am now in the 90’s. I feel like I would’ve grown to be a better person! (Or a heroin addict) Little kids these days have it so much differently than I did. All these toys are so high-tech and I remember the shit I used to play with and feel like turd. They have these computerized toys while I played with a pen top and lint from the dryer. My idea of fun was when my grandma would take out the clothes from the dryer and I’d jump in them and be all warm. Since playing outside and getting dirty wasn’t allowed in that household, I pretended the clothes were leaves. Sad little dumb fuck. I realize also that I’m not really a girl. I’m a man with a vagina, shapely breasts and a desire to love men and not have it be a homosexual matter. Not that I don’t fucking LOVE gay people. I only have one gay friend now, and I rarely see them. But my true loves are the gay males. They’re like sisters but they’re guys so their honesty still has some testosterone attached with a womanly glow! My entries have no relevance associated with them. Oh well, you’re the dumb fucks (who I love) that read it. Trent Reznor is SEX. If you don’t understand that, you’re never getting laid again. I know some people who are never getting laid and should and those who do and question the whole existence of mankind in the process. Sex is so interesting, intimate and fun. Well, it totally depends on the circumstances. Who it is and where you’re fucking them. I hate mosquitoes with a passion. I have bites all over my body. It’s like the whiteness of my skin exerts this glow that’s impossible to hide and they can’t help but bite me, a lot. But no, I can’t bite a mosquito because I’ll kill it. Size is a bitch, especially when it’s not up to par if you know what I mean. And if you don’t, once again, never getting anywhere in life. So, I’ve written about absolutely nothing just to kill some time. I want to take my grandmother to Vegas. She will rule the world. If a guy were to ever call me ‘babe’ I think it would be a nice way of calling me a pig. And ‘baby’, a subconscious desire to state that they think I’m a child! I am an asshole. I need to visit a porn shop, soon…

Fits in your pocket,

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