It's Going to be a Glorious Day...

Dec 31, 2004 12:15

Yesterday was great.

A little "unhinged" if you will.
Spent time with Jack
Secretly, of course.
Went to Publix, Wendy's and got fat.
Anais passed her license test
Pierced yet another hole at Jan's.
Drove to Dolphin
Drove to Publix.
Spent an hour there.
(Anais locked her keys in the car)
Got rescued
Drove to Hialeah
Laughed hysterically
Played the shittiest game of pool, ever
Played stalker, on my behalf.
Went to Publix, again.
Went to Vicky's.
Got a VERY unexpected phone call on the way to Jan's.
Spent the rest of the night with... Adrian
Sat in my driveway.
Discussed the means of coincidence and fate
Contemplated what all this meant, 10 months later.
Had an amazing day.
Couldn't have asked for more, no matter how weird.

Jan the Man!
Oh, keys. Where art thou?
So close!

Could be playing with fire,
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