Sep 12, 2019 16:16
At some point after leaving work a week ago Wednesday, I noticed that I was sneezing more than usual. It flashed through my mind that it could be the first sign of a cold, but I've been wrestling with allergies so much this past year that I didn't really have any clear symptoms. So I blithely ignored it and even went for a vigourous walk after dinner. I awoke the next morning having realised my mistake and immediately started zinc, but it was already too late.
Thursday wasn't that bad in retrospect but, reasoning that I was at my most infectious, I decided to take the day off anyhow. I slept away the morning and rested in the afternoon, having made my mind up to go in the next day regardless how cruddy I felt. I did feel cruddy and I did make it in, but I only lasted half a day.
Incredibly, I still thought I might make it to the "Fall Bear Mixer" that Saturday if I just rested up the whole day and then drugged myself up in the evening. Up until my afternoon nap, I was still encouraging friends to join me there. Fortunately, I realised in time what a terrible idea this was.
Sunday it really kicked my ass. Headaches, chills, nausea--it began to dawn on me that this could even be the flu. I tried taking my temperature but I couldn't find the instant-read thermometer and I couldn't figure out how to read the older one. That came the next day, and I was startled to see it at 104°.
Don't worry--this turned out to be a false reading. But I still felt terrible. Tuesday morning, I had a previously-scheduled doctor appointment in E-town. I also had a terrible night, waking a little after 2 a.m. and struggling to fall asleep again before dawn. Whatever I had, it was making me terribly hungry and I was running out of food in the house.
I'd left an update on FB Monday morning with my false fever reading that open a floodgate of good wishes and several sincere offers to bring me food. I eventually allowed JB to bring me soup for lunch and the neighbours to bring some crackers for dinner. But my options were dwindling.
Taking a Lyft to the appointment turned out to be a good idea, not least of all because of the interesting chat I had about navigation with the young driver. (He was as appalled as I was at his age by the general level of geographic ignorance in society.) My doctor pooh-poohed the idea of the flu but indulged my desire to put off my tests for later when I felt better.
Wednesday began with another terrible headache but an ibuprofen dispensed with that and it was fairly copacetic. The market was surprisingly busy at 4 p.m. and I forgot some basics I'd been pining for (like English muffins) but still felt good enough afterwards to cook my first proper meal in a week, finally run the dishwasher, and even invite one of my neighbours in for a chat.
Which brings us to today. Despite a rocky start (more insomnia), I was determined to make it in in the morning, leaving at midday if need be. But I've managed to power through and might even be up for a little dinner out this evening. Honestly, though, I don't feel one bit better now than I did a week ago (albeit a real improvement over the weekend). Let's hope that this is not only the first but also the worst.