OK. Now, I know that it is possible that a Republican will win the next election. If so, please, GOD, do not let it be Michelle Bachmann. I cannot listen to her whiney, smug accent for 4 years. I will have to turn NPR off entirely. Except Car Talk and Wait, Wait...
This morning, Mr. Perry was on NPR - an excerpt from teh Waterloo event talking about jobs.
The Barbarian said, "Who was that man?" So I explained who he was - this included explaining:
1. What Texas is.
2. What a Governor is.
3. What Democrats and Republicans are.
4. How a primary works.
In all that BLAH BLAH, I failed to ask her what made her care about that particularly person talking on the radio. Anyway, his voice or message must have some appeal to five-year-olds.
Also, I now have the cutest snaggletooth in the UNIVERSE living in my house.
And there was a mixup. When she came downstairs on Sunday morning, she said, very calmly, "Mommy, it's OK that the tooth fairy didn't visit."
I was like, bwuh? Because I personally was quite certain that the tooth fairy definitely did visit.
The confusion was quickly resolved. Though she placed her tooth in the tooth pillow for pickup, she didn't look there for her cash, only under her big pillow!
Also, despite the fact that SOME crazy tooth fairy brought her friend A BARBIE for her tooth, my snaggletooth was charmingly delighted with her Sacagawea dollar, which she carried around with her all day til the very end when she mislaid it and had a tiny pre-bedtime meltdown.
The coin is still missing.
UPDATE: Oh, also, when she heard that the election is over a year away, she said, referring to the campaigning, "ALREADY?!" and she started laughing. So. Even a five-year-old notices.
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